Every bike has a tale
Sheltered by lush forests and green hills, the Aiala Valley is an immense valley area in the Basque Country surrounded by the sierras of Salvada and Gibijo. It’s breathtaking scenery, and Fernando Egiluz knows every square inch of it.
Fernando has ridden all these tracks at breakneck speed on his bike. But he’s also tended them with loving care, with tools and with his own hands. And you can tell that when Fernando gets onto his bike.
“Ever since my early childhood my parents taught me to work the land. To depend on no one. So I make my own tracks now.”
When we met Fernando, we noticed that he’s a man of few words. But what he does say comes over loud and clear. He hates anything artificial. He detests uniformity, mass production, things with no personality.

But he’s a passionate nature lover. He takes just as much pleasure in riding the forest tracks as he does from working the wood as a craftsman. So he actually cares for the tracks he rides with his own hands.